Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An "A" for effort?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though this is really sad, it is true. There are so many people today that expect to get As or Bs for not doing much work at all.

5:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a toss up. i can argue both ways in my mind. it is true that that is really stupid and its almost pointless to try if you kill yourself trying your hardest and the teachers sees your work as a C. So you should be rewarded. But at the same time, you CAN do better. You can always learn more and get better at like writting a paper so its not really your maximum effort.

6:48 PM

Blogger Casey said...

You shouldn't get an A just for trying your hardest. Now you shouldn't get the same grade as some slacker not really trying either (a C). I do think that hard effort should be rewarded with a B (B- where applicable), but an actual (thorough) understanding of the material should be required to get an A.

That said I think people do put too much emphasis on grades, and not on actually enjoying the class.

7:57 PM

Blogger AC said...

I think that if the people do not understand the material, it shows that they are not putting their best effort forth. If they are struggling, they can make the effort to find someone to help them. And if they can do the material well, the effort will be shown in their content.

6:51 AM

Blogger The "You Betcha" Lauren said...

The "everybody wins" mentality has to end somewhere. Eventually, when these people get out into the "Real World", "effort" stops making the world turn. Suddenly, you have to actually understand and be able to apply things to make the grade (or the pay check). Interesting article.

9:37 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

Grades are really inflated now days anyway. A "C" should mean average, aka satisfactory. Now it seems many average students have little problems getting Bs and As. While it's nice to give everyone an A, it also defeats the purpose of grades if you do so.

10:45 PM


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