Feb. 12
Adv. US History
Industrial Relations
review notes
notes: Crisis of American Politics
reading: Cross of Gold and the Wizard of Oz
begin Wizard of Oz
Hellhounds reading and text pp. 525-31; p. 534
Psychology (12-13)
Classical conditioning
review notes
preview rest of Unit 1
read intro p. 195
discuss basics of classical conditioning
discuss other conditioning concepts
TQ-Dental fears
Those munchkins blew my mind today.
and the fact that every color known to man exists in that movie.
5:04 PM
Munchkins can do that to a person.
5:51 PM
My childhood is being destroyed bit by bit! I watched that movie just about everyday when I was younger. So to hear that it's simply an allegory for screwed up politicians and economic scandals is depressing.
6:33 PM
Oh Alex, wait until you hear about the real story behind The Little Mermaid. Disturbing stuff.
7:56 PM
My god. I haven't watched THAT either.
I'm starting to think that I didn't have a childhood. Were my young eyes always fixated on C-SPAN?
Just kidding, I don't watch C-SPAN.
8:21 PM
follow the yellow brick road!!
9:45 PM
I agree with Alex.
On the upside:
I'm noticing so many different little details in this movie that I never noticed before. D:
6:46 AM
Here is a link to the Classical Conditioning of Dwight on the Office
8:32 PM
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