Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I sincerely hope everyone had a good day. My day was LONG. Looking forward to deconstructing the Wizard of Oz with my history peeps and breaking down classical conditioning with my Psych shorties. Be glad this doesn't happen at THS.

See you tomorrow.


Blogger Joseph said...

The sub was actually pretty good. Unlike many subs, he actually knew something about the topic. The Wizard of Oz will be awesome.

Did we have any homework?

8:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with joseph, i actually learned something from a sub

8:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad story! its too bad things like that can happen in schools and go unnoticed, especially with young kids :(

8:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Yeah, Mr. Cavalli teaches history to college students. He doesn't yodel.

Read from the text pp. 534-40

8:34 PM

Blogger Connor O. said...

Are you serious...are you serious Chicago... still using corporal punishment. That is just plain disturbing.

8:55 PM

Blogger Rebekah said...

That is really sad that something like that can still happen in public schools today and be left off to the side for so long. It is really sad that a 10 year old is scared of a teacher not just because they are strict or something but because they actually use abuse.

9:35 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This is so sad. Poor kids. He is the same age as my sister and she's scared when she forgets to her homework because she will stay inside during recess. I don't see how anyone could abuse children.

9:52 PM

Blogger Allie said...

Missed you, Carlisle!

Did you read about the volleyball coach? Ahh. That would have been awful. I missed two serves last tournament. D:

10:24 PM

Blogger Casey said...

Hey Carlisle.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna be able to be in class today, I woke up and felt the worst I've felt all week (I've been sick since Sunday).

If you do seats, can you just put me in the front (preferably next to Ethan :P)? I'd appreciate it :P

You can give any handouts (including the the TQ) to Ethan, I'll get them from him tomorrow.

Thanks, and again, sorry, Carlisle.

5:14 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

That is so horrible. I went to elementary school in a suburb of Chicago,and i never heard of that, but that was in like 1999 so, yeah. But that is disturbing/angering/ridiculous.

6:04 AM

Blogger AC said...

I am really glad that there aren't those types of problems around here. I just feel so bad for those kids that got beaten. Numerous studies have shown that child abuse, no matter what form, forever impacts a child's life.

6:41 AM


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