Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Struggles of Organized Labor--Essay related

Haymarket Square Riot

Pullman Strike


Blogger luangrath said...

I saw your wife at the library today.

I'm kind of stalking her. I hope that doesn't negatively influence how you feel about me as a student.

7:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Narintohn and I were looking on these plaque things in City Hall and we noticed that your wife and a few other librarians won some award for being amazing!

10:55 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Oh and Alex Hill's stalking her too. What a creep.

I'm predicting cream-colored collared shirt paired with brown slacks tomorrow?

11:11 PM

Blogger AC said...

Why is it always Chicago where these problems take place? Those darn Illinois people... ;)

6:31 AM

Blogger tiffany. said...

These strikes always end in violent means!

I'm glad that strikes now are not as intense as it was.

5:54 PM


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