October 29
Adv. US History
Jefferson Administration
notes: The Republicans' Political Revolution
discuss Part A of the IA
begin work on the Alien/Sedition Act graded discussion
R. Hofstader reading from the READER
Psychology (29-30)
Unit 2 exam
TQ-Social Psych 101
mr. carlisle, did u give a unit 2 study guide?
4:56 PM
Yes. I give out a study guide for every unit in Psych. You received it last week. I'm not at school so I can't email it to you. Sorry.
5:00 PM
oh lord, im done.
5:03 PM
could u think of some of the reveiw topics?
5:04 PM
Relax. If you have all of your notes from the unit then you are in great shape. The study guide is just a compilation of the major concepts from the unit. If you starred the terms I told you to star during class, you should be fine. Just review your notes.
5:20 PM
i found my study guide! sall good.
10:40 PM
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