Friday, May 20, 2011

More of Malcolm X


Blogger Anthony Quach said...

In all seriousness, has there ever been any movements to dedicate a day to Malcolm X, like how there was one for King?

Strangely, I feel like I admire him over King.

8:14 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Not that I'm aware of. He's still seen as too divisive of a figure in American history.

10:11 PM

Anonymous Grant Van Dyke said...

Quach I know what you mean. I feel like I respect him more than King as well. I just like the power and respect he commands and he seems to be more motivational than King and some of the other leaders of the movement. Too bad so many of the great figures of that time period had to get assassinated. It would be interesting to hear their views on current societies' conditions regarding racism.

9:12 AM

Blogger Isabella Lewis said...

Was this aired when Malcolm X was part of the Nation of Islam?

4:09 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I believe he was. The interview was with a UC Berkeley prof in 1963.

5:26 PM

Blogger Anthony said...

I think X's ideas of retaliation and separation are so bad that its almost funny.
Theres no way that saying your better or fighting back is going to change anything.

thats probably why MLK has a national holiday named after him and not malcolm X.

5:41 PM

Blogger Anthony said...

^^^^ Anthony N. whoops

5:41 PM

Anonymous Elizabeth L., Block 3 AB said...

It seems like too many people focus on the violence of Malcom X instead of his powerful words. He may have been for separation, but he still was a great speaker and inspired many. It's like in the video we watched where the woman at first didn't believe him, but in the short time of his speech she began to see things his way through his words.

5:47 PM

Anonymous Kayla said...

I don't completely agree with Malcolm X's philosophy, but I can understand why he believes in separatism and self-defense. When you really think about it, it really isn't as bad an idea as Anthony N thinks it is.

King and X both are amazing speakers. Their speeches and writings are inspirational and motivating even if you don't believe in there cause or philosophies. Even in that interview, Malcolm X was captivating. People now should speak more like them. Sadly, I think its a quality are losing.

8:19 PM

Anonymous Chris Mackenzie said...

I definitely agree more with A-Town than Anthony Quach. The only possible reason you could admire Malcom X more than MLK is because of all the attention that MLK got and people like Malcom X didn't get as much. Don't forget that MLK was the MAN! I've watched several of his speeches now and there is not a better speaker than him today! And then yes Kayla I agree with you as well, but I still think that MLK's philosophies were much better than Malcom X's.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Kayla that Malcolm X and MLK are both amazing speakers. After seeing this video and the videos from class, I understand why he allured so many people.
I wish that we could have as powerful and charismatic speakers today as Malcolm X and Dr. King. I'm not saying that Obama isn't a great speaker but we should have more captivating speakers.

9:15 PM

Anonymous Chris Mackenzie said...

Well my man Jimmy, you have to consider that Malcom X and MLK could express their views in any way that wanted to, how they really felt. Obama has to do his speeches that appeal to everyone, Malcom X and MLK could almost say anything they wanted to at the time which makes them more motivational and captivating should you say.

9:25 PM

Anonymous Hanna Ha said...

I agree with everyone who said that Malcome X was a great speaker. But I don't know if segregation was what the blacks needed during those times. If Malcome X's belief was chosen over MLK's, there would be two separate nations in US rather than one US.

11:31 PM

Anonymous Sawyer H. said...

I believe Malcom X is right. if blacks are attacked, they have the right to, and as humans should, defend themselves. Thats human nature. Malcom X is trying to get his people to prove that they are human.

9:07 PM


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