Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not really a fan of this


Anonymous Tanner 1st pd. said...

I'm not sure what to think exactly, there is a lot of possible, unintended consequences that can come from this; however, I would not be strictly against it. if they are able to pull this off successfully, it could be helppful in furthuring education.

6:19 PM

Anonymous Margaret B from 3rd said...

I personally think this is a great move forward into the 21st century, not only for education but for my back pain... let's be honest, I think we would all rather carry around an ipad versus the 700 pound bag that are giving us back problems at 17.....

6:23 PM

Blogger willy said...

This would definitly make our backpacks a few pounds lighter every night! Plus Mr. Carlisle on ibooks we still can flip the pages like on a real text book!

6:31 PM

Anonymous Megan Ross said...

I'm not saying i completely agree with this, but if they did do something like this, i think it would be cool if the teachers had like a lesson plan on there so the kids could access it during the class. That way,kids wouldn't goof off too much with it, and all the students could see the pictures/videos/notes without any heads in the way.

6:47 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I understand your complaints about heavy textbooks, however, I really don't like that children would get constant screen time with the new iBooks. Plus there's questions about durability.

6:50 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

I think I could support this if the ipad I was using didnt have any distracting apps on it. If it did, productivity would decrease in a major way.

6:51 PM

Anonymous Wade Johnson Disagrees with this said...

Come on people. I think this is stupid. You can do so much on an ipad it would be impossible not to get distracted. Especially children. What a good way to also encourage the end to words on paper. Yes, it may help people with their heavy loads text book wise but honestly, that is what a locker is for so use it. You don't need every text book every day. Use your 10 minute passing time to switch them out if you only want to carry one at a time. This is just another advancement in technology that just makes people lazy.

6:58 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Preach it Wade.

6:59 PM

Anonymous Margaret B from 3rd said...

'This is just another advancement in technology'- isn't that a good thing? Plus, if this was standardized across the USA, then we could have children of all socio-economic backgrounds with access to technology, aka poor students are able to get experience with computers- and therefore wouldn't be set-back when they enter into college. Yes, I just solved for the income gap. Boo-yah

7:03 PM

Anonymous Wade Johnson said...

Advancement in technology is good but the way children learn through text books is not a problem today. Point out the flaws of reading a text book that doesn't have a back lit screen and won't break if a drop it and I'll tell you how this won't work. IPads are stolen, kids get distracted, can't really take them home, expensive, they get broken.

7:18 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

How did you solve the income gap? Who's going to pay for the iPads? The federal gov't? Typically most education funding comes from the state and local level. School districts across the country are hurting financially. The new iPads will cost $500 a pop. There are 12,000 students in TTSD alone.

7:21 PM

Anonymous Cathy Lara said...

First of all I started laughing when the apple video poped up because I thought that the commercial that came before was the video you posted up. Anyways personally I hate reading textbooks online it makes me angry, but I do like how that small apple book is less heavy.

7:40 PM

Blogger Cassondra Teach said...

I like the idea of this because you wouldn’t have back problems from carrying all the textbooks. But, it could end up being a big problem because schools can’t afford them because of budget cuts, the younger grades especially could break them easily, everyone’s eyes would hurt after a while, and everyone would get very distracted with playing with other things on the iPad.

7:46 PM

Blogger Tristy R. said...

I have problems with this for a few reasons, one of them being that the awesome page turner from a previous video on the blog wouldn't work. Also, what about all the jobs in the 10 billion dollar textbook industry? This new advance in technology may create new jobs, but they aren't ones that people who previously worked in the printing/textbook industry would be prepared to take on right away. First our newspapers died, and now they're going after textbooks. Sad day.
Another thing, I get headaches when I stare at a computer or TV for more than half an hour. If kids are on ipads all day, it will cause more head pain than school already does. I bet it will hurt even worse when we can open up our brains and download information straight into our noggins. I know it's a big jump to make between ipads and brains with USB ports, but this whole ipad thing is just taking a step in that direction. The best part of class, in my opinion, are all the discussions and debates that we have in which we are actually interacting with other people. With cool, new, distracting ipads, I feel like students would miss out on a lot of that.
Closing argument: ipads are robots. We should just put them in prison before they realize what they're capable of and destroy the human race.

8:01 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

Kids wouldn't be distracted by apps because if the iPad were to become entwined with school, then administrative measures would be taken so that the iPads can be locked, monitored, reduced-of-usefulness, etc.
Obviously, apple would make school iPads with thick layers of "armor" or what not to increase durability.
The "school iPads" would have so many restrictions on them that students would groan to use them.
The advantage of this is convenience. No textbooks, easily accessible lesson plan. And in the long-run, iPads could possibly be cheaper then having to buy all of those textbooks for every student.

A way for all of this to work would be if iPads became standardized nationwide. Schools could "loan" iPads to students, and if any damage or what not happens, it would be the student's responsibility to pay for it. This would cause students to actually care about the condition of their iPad.

8:08 PM

Anonymous Tyler C from 3rd Period said...

I agree with Harrison. School administrations would take action to reduce the ability of these "Educational" iPads. I believe that these iPads would only be a minor distraction to the education process, and after continued use students would lose interest in this new technology, making the iPad just another tool used to teach.
With respect to the issue of money i believe that these iPads would pay for themselfs. With the iPads new books would be a lot easier to access and obtain. And i'm assuming the cost to purchase these ibooks would be less than the amount spent on textbooks.
Also judging from the video it looks like the textbooks would have animations and visuals to help aid the reader in learning. For me, being a visual learner, this would help make things easier.
Personally i wouldn't want textbooks to be eliminated from schools because, lets face it, technology fails and malfunctions. And unless you're someone like Philip, it can be a challenge to get things working correctly again.
Although they are heavier than an iPad i would prefer to use a textbook when learning.

9:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Here's the thing with technology, at some point the laptop I'm typing this comment on will become obsolete and will need to be replaced with something "better". I think people are looking for something quick and easy with education and right now it's "new technology".

9:42 PM

Anonymous Vanessa Tran said...

I think it's a very good idea, because technology is very good at educating students. Students need to become more familiar with technology, because it is the future of education. The past did not consist of internet, or computers and who would've known how much it helped education today? Honestly, though, I do not think that I would use IPads because they probably break easily. And if a random person robs you on the street, what would they rather take, an IPad, or a textbook?

9:53 PM

Blogger Narin L said...

If you've ever used an Apple product, you know how annoyingly glossy the screen is. Mega eye strain anyone?

9:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Some elements of technology can help with education, however, I have a seriously problem with turning over iPads or laptops to students for educational purposes.

Technology by itself can't teach critical thinking skills. One facet of education is being in a room with other individuals and DISCUSSING concepts and hearing other people's opinions. That doesn't happen when people are just staring at screen for 90 minutes at their desk.

9:59 PM

Blogger Per 4 Clara said...

This is a terrible idea. Aside from apparent cost and durability issues, people advocating for technological advancements are not taking into account that keeping up with the constant improvements in computers would require updating them every few years.
I definately agree with Tristy's take on how people learn to neglect newspapers with the growing reliance on computers. Issuing Ipads to students would increase their dependance on the internet, potentially training them to access the internet for all of their information instead of teaching them to filter knowledge from printed and more indepth texts. Being provided with concentrated information at the touch of their fingertips will lead kids to pursue the easy way out. This could additionally hinder their ability to write.
Also, too much time on the computer is just plain bad for a person! It noticably shortens attention spans and is bad for your vision.

10:27 PM

Blogger Per 4 Clara said...

I didn't even think of discussions, but those are essential to understanding and conceptualization of different topics. Individual thinking, which is gained through learning to filter information for yourself instead of being provided with "powerpoint" versions of texts, is the root of such discussions. Another pro to group discussions is that when information is portrayed from multiple perspectives, it is much easier to remember it.

10:36 PM

Blogger KKVL said...

I can't help but think of Wall-E... I have to agree with Wade on this one, I would not be able to stay focused at all with an iPad infront me, and let's face it, security on Apple is beyond subpar, everyone would be on Facebook, Reddit, 4chan, or whatever it is kids do these days...

12:03 AM

Anonymous Haylee Winden said...

If school is becoming more demanding and more time needs to be spent studying using the Ipad, kids will lose one more chance for exercise by not getting textbooks to carry. Plus they will get more addicted to staring at a computer screen at a younger age, assuming that the Ipad is as engaging as they claim it to be.

11:35 AM

Anonymous Andrew Jones said...

I'm fine because this textbook app will be pirated and allow me to have free textbooks for college:) However, on a serious note giving this much technology to children is just wrong. Kids aren't always that responsible and I wouldn't trust my future son or daughter with that much money in their hands at such a young age. Not mention the eye problems it would cause later.

9:55 AM

Blogger #66chamberlain#68 said...

If this were to ever work I think apple would have to make a dumbed down version without app store access and restricted internet. It would definitely be easier to carry around but I honestly can't see some people being responisble with it and I see a lot of damage in the ipads future. With the near impossibility of fixing an Apple product without sending it in the cost would be significantly greater than the worth.

10:09 AM


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