Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Read this!!

It's hard to believe that 16 states banned interracial marriage less than fifty years ago. I plan on showing you a documentary about this couple when we get to the civil rights movement. 

In the meantime, check out this article that features great photos of the Richard Loving and his wife, Mildred. 


Blogger Tristy R. said...

'Marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man, fundamental to our very existence and survival.'

Why isn't gay marriage legal? We're facing a very similar issue now compared to the interracial marriage controversy that was happening 45 years ago. I'm wondering if this couple met as much opposition as a lot of same-sex couples do today.

4:03 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You have raised a valid question.

4:14 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

Oppressive racial laws of any kind are silly. People are people and excluding them from things like civil rights are wrong.

4:23 PM

Blogger #66chamberlain#68 said...

Discriminatory laws of any kind are wrong!! Whether they're against the LGBTQ community, different races, or the disabled, each of them is still a human and deserves the same rights as everyone else. Frankly I think it's immoral not to allow/support same sex marriage. They deserve to be happy and live out their lives with their loved ones too, right?

5:41 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Yes it was Blake, yes it was.

5:52 PM

Blogger Spencer S. said...

I feel that all people, no matter sexuality or race, should have the right to marry those they love. And Tristy did ask a good question. I wait for the day where people of the LGBTQ community can happily marry whom ever they chose.

9:24 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

It's strange that all citizens have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and yet some citizens are restricted in that right in the context of sexual preference and race.

9:50 PM


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