Monday, March 12, 2012


Blogger Marbaloid said...

I feel like I've seen something similar to this before a really long time ago.....

8:39 PM

Anonymous Trevor said...

wow another two minutes of my life I can never get back...

10:07 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

The kid selling newspapers reminds me of School House Rock. Why didn't we watch it? Teachers show it every year in history to understand government excludeing this year and last.

3:17 PM

Anonymous Sara B said...

Teddy looks like he's disgusted as the crowd carries him out...

4:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the next phase of the new curriculum? Nice trust buster song!

4:16 PM

Anonymous Danielle Y. said...

Good, good. There's racial diversity among the chorus kids.... So historically accurate. And if people sang like this, and Teddy Roosevelt had that.... thing.... back in this time, I WANNA GO THERE.

7:42 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

I want his laser shooting umbrella.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Vanessa Tran said...

Yay, Trust Buster! This was actually quite helpful to my understanding of Roosevelt...

4:35 PM

Anonymous Juliet Adams P3 said...

See Mr. Carlisle, if you explained history through song like this I would've understood what trusts were a loooong time ago!

6:57 PM


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