Saturday, April 07, 2012

If you think this picture is good stuff, check out these historical pictures with a twist


Anonymous Uncle Sam "Freedom" Richmann said...

Walking buildings, alien heads, nothing out of the ordinary here. You have some pretty nifty sources Carlisle

11:34 AM

Blogger Per 4 Clara said...

My cousin used to wear a bathrobe and gardening gloves when he was our bunny, haha.

4:42 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

I think the man-eater worm-building was by far the best one. Reminds me of King Kong.

4:56 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

Those dead people would be so honored to be turned into a glif.

6:58 PM

Blogger Tristy R. said...

I think my favorite was the guy materializing out of the barrel and then taking the other guy's soul. Very spooky!

11:33 PM

Blogger Madison Clayton said...

Okay, that bunny scared me when I opened up the blog...

11:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I saw the alley with al the bulidings i immediately thought Inception.

3:06 PM

Blogger Sara Golestaneh said...

This is rad.
I love the one with the soldier and the canon.

3:59 PM

Blogger Andrew Smelter said...

Has someone spent the weekend looking at stumbleupon?

4:18 PM

Blogger Per 4 Clara said...

Seems like it Andrew, haha.

4:23 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I don't use those sites, super geeks.

4:24 PM

Anonymous Marilyn W. said...

I think the bunny picture scared me more than the gifs

5:41 PM

Blogger Olivia C. said...

Love the touch of Lovecraft in one of the gifs:)

6:45 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

Is that YOU Carlizzle? That'd explain a LOT if your parents did that to you!! Haha- hop you (and the rest of the class) had a rad Easter!

8:25 PM

Anonymous Cathy L. said...

I thought the one where a dark spirit soldier comes out and takes the other soldiers spirit was hillerious, but I think its weird that people see this other images by just staring at old black and white photos.

8:38 PM

Anonymous Thomas Woodward said...

Ha thats funny stuff right there.

9:09 PM

Anonymous Mr. Schaefer said...

That baby looks like it's gunna crap itself... haha

4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the guy with the dead cat/octopus on his head

8:53 PM


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