Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here's the trailer about U.S. Army cover up from the war in Afghanistan. It's a great film.

By the way, here's some information on the rules of combat that members of the U.S. military are expected to follow. 


Blogger The Margaret said...

Wait did they lie about his death? If so, that family should be heavliy reprimended... that's horrible.

11:16 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

They lied about how he died. I may show it in class at the end of the semester.

11:28 AM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

He did die though correct? Im confused because it looked like they showed him alive later.

4:41 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

He died in combat in Afghanistan.

4:43 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

That is concerning. That is why there is a credibility gap. Friendly fire happens. it is unfortunate but it shouldn't be covered up. 1984.

4:56 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

That wasn't a trail at the end it was like asking a kid "Did you take the cookie?" and them going "I don't remember". They can't move their bums to look into the cookie jar and see the cookies gone or not?! Bad army babysitters...

5:22 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

Wait, why would you cover up an incident of friendly fire? I can't grasp how friendly fire is a big enough deal to cover up. It's just something that happens, right?

5:41 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

@harrison Lee, friendly fire was on a icon (not just any person)of a good man and solider in the army, support for the army/administration/war would decrease. Also they could benefit from him dying a "noble" death.

6:49 PM

Anonymous Sara B said...

We should watch it! It sounds interesting!

8:33 PM

Anonymous Rachel Ramirez said...

I agree with Sara. It would be really interesting to watch, I hope you show it!

8:56 PM

Anonymous Madison Clayton said...

That sounds super good! I think it seems so interesting because its a war movie but its not all fighting there is a giant conterversey in it with all the high ranked officers lying.

9:49 PM

Blogger Olivia C. said...

All those "I don't know"s from the generals/higher-ups sounded an awful lot like Ms. Price in the Scottsboro Boys' case...
Just an interesting observation.

10:18 PM

Blogger Narin L said...

Less than one in one hundred US soldiers have died because of friendly fire, which is much lower than I would have guessed. I can see the army's motivation for covering up his death, as the truth of his death wasn't as heroic as what they would have wanted.

10:24 PM

Anonymous Spencer S. said...

I really want to see this film! It looks like such an interesting story and I want to know how it ends.

10:12 PM

Anonymous Olivia E. said...

I think we should watch it too!

9:54 AM

Anonymous Vanessa Tran said...

Yes! Show this movie during class time!

1:51 PM

Anonymous Marilyn Wallenburn said...

Yay for LAOC!

9:46 PM

Anonymous Juliet Adams said...

Credibility gap anyone? Looks like not much has changed within the U.S. government since Watergate and My Lai. It's crazy to think about how recent this is, not even ten years ago. It makes me wonder how many of the deaths and casuaties from the last war were covered up and how many were legitimate. It must've been such a tough situation and decision to make for Tillman's comrades, having to choose between keeping their mouths shut and protecting the honor of the military or keeping their jobs and letting the truth be known while making a lot of enemies.

7:28 PM


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