Sunday, April 07, 2013

History Update


I hope your weekend is treating you well. As we enter the final week of the penultimate quarter of the year, I wanted to give you a head's up for this week's agenda and the Unit 10 exam.

The exam will take place April 17-18. 
April 17
Part I--You will answer 50 multiple choice questions (worth one point each). The multiple choice exam will cover material from Units 9 and 10. 
Part II: You will read documents and answer the scaffolding questions for each document of the DBQ. 
April 18:
DBQ essay
This week's schedule:
Monday: "Scottsboro Boys" documentary (you will need to take notes on this)

Tuesday: MAJOR NOTES DAY!! We will discuss Hoover's attempts to handle the Great Depression and FDR's New Deal. These notes will be essential for the Unit 10 exam (both parts). 

Wed-Thursday: Cinderella Man



Anonymous Michelle S. P4 said...

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the Cinderella Man you are referring to is not the song by Eminem?....

8:44 PM

Anonymous Justin A. said...

sounds good! Its going to be a good week!

9:30 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...



9:42 PM

Blogger Nicholas Jones said...

The week seems packed with stuff. Im just glad that i didnt have a golf tournament Tuesday!

9:47 PM

Anonymous Ivy R. Block 1 said...

Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Carlisle.

6:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This week is going to be so hectic .. kejfekjg. Thanks for telling us!

7:00 AM


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