Sunday, October 28, 2007


What's the NS, UCS, and the UCR?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thats easy! Caro showed that to us too. If I answer do I get participation points even though I'm not in your psychology class?

5:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Let's allow one of my Psych students to be the first to answer. You could tell me in person tomorrow am though.

5:21 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You're two out of three! Come on, you can get the UCR.

7:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we going to have a reading quiz tomorrow? I'd like to know in advance please.

7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if he would tell us that, Chris! Isn't the point of reading quizzes to see if we did do our homework? Its basically a pop quiz, every week....

8:42 PM

Blogger David English said...

Even though I'm not in Psych. That was COOL.

9:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can't be a pop quiz if we expect it... It would be much better if you'd just tell us when we were having one.

9:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I know this clip! Caro showed it to us. It was great! Wouldn't the UCR be the hand gesture every time he hears the NS?

9:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Carlizzle

Me, Kyle, and Nicole should get bonus participation points. We make this thing cool.

6:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This clip is funny, not to mention the guy conducting the expiriment was VERY attractive! =]

the NS is the shut down noise
the USC is the mints
is the UCR his hand reaching for the mints??

4:19 PM

Blogger Joe Yakisoba said...

a wee bit off topic here people..
wheres the moderator!

NS: logging off sound
UCS: altoids
UCR: salivating or maybe believing you have bad breathe?

p.s. this is my favorite show!

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Neutral Stimulus is the shutdown sound for the computer.
The Unconditioned Stimulus is the Breath mint.
The Unconditioned Response is tasting his mouth, because the Altoid made it taste good.
The Conditioned Stimulus becomes the shutdown sound.
The Conditioned Response is tasting his breath.

4:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since its now today, here is the answer...

NS- booting up sound
UCS- mints
USR- hand reaching out

CS- booting up sound
CR- hand reaching out and his mouth tasting bad.

5:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES I love The Office! I kept thinking of this episode all of last class :)

Neutral Stimulus: Booting up tone on Jim's computer
Unconditioned Stimulus: Altoid
Unconditioned Response: Dwight sticking out his hand

This week's episode should be interesting, Karen is BACK (dun dun dunnnn...)

6:14 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Great minds think alike Courtney. Great job speaking up in IB US today! Keep it up!

6:17 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Sandra and Amanda,

I deleted your comments because you included your e-mail address. DON'T DO THAT unless you want complete strangers e-mailing you.

Good comments though.

7:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

but did i get it right??? i just wanted to knw... and i dont really care if random ppl email me lol.. i just delete msjs anyways so yea....

~sandra rivera, 4A~

11:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i really should try this...

NS: Logging off sound
UCS: Altoids
UCR: Sticking hand out

CS: Logging off sound
CR: Sticking hand out

4:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually laughed out loud when watching that. That was great! ("My mouth tastes so bad all of a sudden...")

5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the NS is the computer noise
The UCS is the altiod
The UCR is him holding out his hand and he gets a bad taste in his mouth.

p.s. i did not look at other peoples posts, I actually understand this

p.p.s. that was funny :)

5:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

UCS-Windows theme
UCR-Wanting of mint,Bad taste in month, Hand out

8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OKay maybe im wrong it was cool though.

8:07 PM


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