October 23
Adv. US History
New American Gov't
notes: The Political Crisis of the 1790s
IMC research time for Hamilton and Jefferson
read pp. 216-18; 222-30
Psychology (23-24)
Unit 2 exam
Classical Conditioning Teacher Questions
Carlisle, why is it that i get no respect in your class from other people just because i know alot about government? I don't understand it. I hope you don't think I'm a know it all because thats not my intention.
4:04 PM
Who cares what other people think. I appreciate your knowledge.
5:14 PM
Yeah you're right. Forget them.
5:37 PM
I dont understand how to expand on Echoic memory
5:57 PM
TJ for the win...
6:29 PM
Ashley Chan (friend from Unis's class) and I are discussing the history reading and she said, and I quote, "Man, these speculators are like vultures."
I thought you would be proud.
8:01 PM
Carlisle what is the homework for tomorrow, because I don't think I will have enough time to do it tomorrow, since I have a couple of time consuming things happening. You know, JNHS, going to see a play, you know, things like that.
8:54 PM
Charlotte, NC,
Tip of the hat to Ms. Ashley Chan.
I love your enthusiasm.
Read pp. 230-34
9:08 PM
It's just another way that memories are created. You could explain the concept and then use examples that support your original thesis.
If you're still lost feel free to stop by my room before first period tomorrow. I would be glad to help you.
9:10 PM
Thanks a bunch Carlisle!
9:12 PM
Amen Nicole!! TJ pwned in google fight!! 2nd block for the win! I will continue to say that, even when I'm in your 3rd block class.
10:59 PM
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