Sunday, October 21, 2007


Here's what I want tomorrow:

A typed bibliography with at least six sources for your IA. I want your topic and central question typed above your bibliography. I also want to know which sources are primary and which are secondary. I also want to know where you got your sources from.

Hope this helps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. C,
I combed the PSU library for 3 hours and couldn't find a primary source...

6:57 PM

Blogger vikki said...

Mr. Carlisle, I have a question about a secondary source. Could you email me at ?

6:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey vikki!

7:03 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Ugh. What's your topic again??!? I think you may have to go to another library. Please tell me your topic and central question again.

7:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My central question is what was the effect of the Battle of the Alamo on Texas Independence.

I guess I can swing by Marylhurst University next weekend or something.

7:57 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I have a great book for you to take a look at:

It should have some good primary sources listed in its bibliography. You can see if you can find them online. It's a pretty decent book too. Hope this helps.

8:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Carlisle!
I checked and they have it at the Tigard Lib so I'll probably take a gander at it tomorrow.

9:17 PM


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