Sunday, December 16, 2007

Celine Dion's Reign of Terror is Finally Over!

America's long national nightmare has finally ended. Rejoice my fellow Americans!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:30 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

It looks like the terrorists won.

3:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, okay. another IA question about the sources I have to evaluate in part C: do they have to be the sources used in part B? the ones I want to evaluate are going to be in the analysis section..

4:56 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Part B just requires you to evaluate two of your sources for O,P,V,L. It doesn't matter where/when you use them in your IA. Hope this helps.

5:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm sure it would help if you would say Part C lol.

6:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, i hope to beat the record of latest post on a school night. but no one will see it, because it's the day is over! porque?! :( wow, i need to go to sleep. my brain is frying, i can't think straight. Am i falling in to madness? good thing no will read this. good night to all who are sleeping.

12:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys, still awake, and just finished my second cup of coffee. WOOOO!! I'm ready for school and can't wait for history! *_* i think i beat the post time record. well see u guys in a few hours.

4:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... That's crazy Spencer... I'm sick Mr. Carlisle, but I'm still coming to school, bleghhh, I might leave though...

7:32 AM

Blogger Wilson said...

Maybe they should secretly shuttle her off back to Canada in the middle of the night on a CIA plane for some fun water boarding.

1:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

CARLISLE! For the DBQ would notes in class be considered external...err material/knowledge and we can use it in our essay?

5:13 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Does your sign-in imply that you were accepted?

The answer to your question is no, you cannot use book and/or notes on the DBQ.

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is a bad picture of her....if there are any good ones. ha ha.

and as for mr. wilson's comment: ...waterboarding...

5:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well of course I made it thank you very much! I'll be starting fund raisers and and some cultural classes at some college in January. I'll have to start completing like a bunch of waivers and health forms! I feel like an adult! Nooo!
Anyways, so we'll need to go and research the compromise of 1850 and the fugitive slave law online?

5:50 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


No research online should be necessary. You are expected to use outside information from lectures and readings. Of course researching any topic in history is never a bad thing.


Great posts! Keep 'em coming!

6:03 PM


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