January 15--Two Hour Delay
Adv. US History
notes: The Undoing of Reconstruction
organzing principles of the KKK
directions IA presentations
reading packet
Psychology (15-16)
Abnormal Psych
discuss mood disorders
notes: personality disorders
DSM and personality disorders
i thought the reading was that packet?
4:16 PM
ya, Carlisle, what's up with that? i just started the packet.
4:23 PM
the reading is that packet dudes =]
5:22 PM
wait a min do we have extra now or something?
5:23 PM
Good eyes Haley. I fixed the original post. Sorry everyone. The text reading is for tomorrow night.
5:29 PM
So... Michigan is counting right now.
With 6% of the precincts reporting, Hillary leads with 19K votes, 10K uncommitted, and nobody else really on the ballet.
With 6% reporting for the GOP, Romney leads 37% with 24K votes, McCain behind by 4K votes and 6 points. Huckabee trails significantly with only 16% of the vote and 10K votes.
If you're wondering why so few people are on the Democratic ballet, the Democratic National Committee stripped Michigan and Florida of all their delegates because they moved their primaries up without first getting DNC approval.
The RNC also penalized MI and FL, but they only ended up losing half of their delegates.
As for the current delegate counts. Obama currently has 25 pledged delegates, with Hillary behind by 1 and Edwards with 17. 2,025 delegates are required to win the nomination.
In the GOP, Romney leads with 24, Huckabee has 18, and McCain has 10. 1,191 delegates are required to gain the GOP nomination.
5:54 PM
Thanks for the update. As you previously stated, most of the Democrats stayed off the ballot in Michigan b/c MI moved the date of its primary.
8:18 PM
Ugh. Romney's the winner...
8:51 PM
I had like an hour waiting to get my tired siped, and I just flew through it with a high lighter and everything!
If you have a burning, passionate desire, I could have an advisory spot available to you for my new THS club I hope to start
9:56 PM
Wow, way to unite with your party and just stay out of Michigan, Hilary...
John Edwards for president! I honestly don't think America will elect a woman president, maybe not even a black one... John Edwards knows how to bring it, he can challenge the reps, and play hardball, he knows how to talk and he knows the issues, he isn't empty rhetoric. His electibility (white male) far surpasses that of a woman or an African American. John Edwards is the real democratic candidate who stands a chance against the republicans... But no, the media will overshadow him with Obama Clinton hype... It's such crap, Obama Clinton, Obama Clinton, it's all you hear for the democrats, and it's all some people even know... But if your educated, and politically informed, you should know all your candidates. Don't fall victim to the propaganda machine, the media owned by big cooperations, obviously doesn't want to inform you of a candidates who don't follow their best interests...
Oh, and what the hell is with Florida, must they always mess up elections? (1876, 2000, and then again this year for primaries).
9:59 PM
(Kyle seems frustrated because of English lol)
11:53 PM
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