Thursday, September 11, 2008

Disturbing video


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right Carlisle that is disturbing. That is sad that they don't even know the month or date when it is called 9/11!!! But it is also sad how little information people know about history and how uneducated people are. Wow that was crazy!

3:35 PM

Blogger Allie said...

Are these people in New York? Wow.
That's insane how oblivious some people are with their lives.

Also, there is a video game called 9/11 that like has videos of the planes crashing and stuff into the buildings. :(


3:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH! what religion were they?? "they were stupid! thats all i can say". i liked that guy. ya that is messed up how they are so unaware. i mean it is a huge historical event thats so recent and they cant even come up with the month that the semptember 11th attack happened. the question is answered in the name poeple!!!

3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodness this is pathetic and somewhat frightening. I don't even know what to say ha. How can you not know when it happened especially since it is called 9/11!

4:07 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I'm with you guys. Those people should really brush up on their history.

A 9/11 video game?!? Really!?!? Sick.

4:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is totally pathetic. One thing I noticed though is that this could be severely biased. We have no idea how many people they interviewed and they didn't show anyone getting questions right. Still, even the fact that there are people in America who don't know those simple things about 9/11 is insane.

4:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to common sense? I swear, America is losing brain cells by the minute. Even an elementary school kid who wasn't even alive when it happened would know what 9/11 was.

5:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can people have no clue when 9/11 happened and how many people were lost. i don't understand people can be so oblivious and stupid.

5:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask enough people, someone is going to answer wrong eventually. If the program airing this, showed all the footage instead of just the people answering it wrong. People wouldn't be as disturbed by this video as they are now.

6:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"were the terrorist hindu, muslims, or atheist?"

"they, they were stupid thats what they were."


hey mr.c hows the school year going?

do i get participation points for this post??????????

6:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...These people
Where have they been all this time?

6:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

said... said... said... said... said... (whoever you are) you just explained what I'm getting at. They are only giving one side of the story. While this certainly proves their point much more clearly it is still biased. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should change it, and it has a good point. You have to keep in mind though that not quite everyone is like that.

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PATHETIC. This is why American's are given a bad name. People don't even know what happened in their own country. I sure hope that this video showed only the people that said stupid things, because I'm sure there are plenty that answered correctly.

6:30 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:35 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

THIS IS A JOKE. How would you not know that it's on 9 - 11. It was funny when some person said that oh, it's on 9-1.

i actually didn't know what the three cities were. I only knew that they hit D.C. and NY.

tiffanyquach. p4.

6:35 PM

Blogger CooperChard said...

We were all in what.. the fourth grade when all that went down? hmmmm.. and we are on the other side of the country?! they were all in new york too. some lame people in the good ol' us of a these days.

7:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahhaha "they were stupid that's what they were" oh man that guys my hero haha. They obviously picked out the most illiterate people they could find. It's weird to think that someday people(mainly kids) are going to know really nothing about it just like I barely know anything(significant) about the Vietnam war. Most kids will learn it all from history classes too.

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! that is a very disturbing video Carlisle! How do people not even know any answers to those questions? That is really really sad!

8:29 PM

Blogger Alex Davis said...

they didn't even ask any of the questions that you really have to know anything about it to answer! you should give our class this exact same quiz just to prove how many people they probably had to go through to finally find people who didn't know.

"What date? Well, you know... 9/11 so September First obviously..."

Haha I don't think this has much to do with political awareness- just common sense.
Then again, walking the streets of NYC, it isn't too suprising.

8:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just pretty pathetic...

"9/11..thats gotta be september 1!"

and religion? stupid?! Woww what has happened..

8:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm sorry but please someone shoot me now. I know it's funny but come on, they were seriously clueless. 9/11, and their guesses were august, sept 1st, and some of them sounded sure too.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he silly people and there stupidity. i find this video funny ^_^ and sad that they don't know 9/11 is September. ... but i guess it is hard to keep the months straight with numbers, especially big numbers like 1-12 O_O

9:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is insane. "9/11, that's uhh August 16th." But like somebody up there said, the people in downtown New York City...uhhh, you've seen other reality shows where they ask random questions to them--they're not the most intelligent sometimes. But still! And this isn't even history, barely! This was 7 years ago. And we were in 4th grade when it happened, and we're very aware of what went down on SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2001. Seriously!

9:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that was really depressing. It appears that they are in New York when asking these questions. That makes it even worse. How could you not be somewhat informed with all the media and everything? You are almost forced at this point to atleast know the date and the event. That shows how our lack of knowledge or desire to understand the tragedy that happened on September 11th.

9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those people are bright. The guy asked when 9/11 occured and they gave so many different dates. This is sad and pathetic!

8:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see why that guy thought 911
meant 9-1-01, but you would think we'd say nine-one-one instead of nine-eleven if that were the case. The other people just need some serious help.

Even if this footage is biased, it is still sad to know how many people don't know that much about it.

5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i cant believe that.
thats just really sad.

8:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, sir, the 9/11 (this reads September Eleventh, for thoes of you who did not pass grade school) took place on August 16th.
That and the "They were stupid, that's what religion they were!" were pretty much the highlights of this video.

Lauren Ervin
Block 2

9:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this really is quite disturbing that people do not know history that happend during their time! It shocks me to know that people cannot even pay attention to the given date - when asked what day 9/11 took place it is practically a given answer! The actualy date was 9/11/01 ..and the terrorists were Islam, not Hindu!!!
This kind of frusterates me that people are unaware of what is going on in the world. I bet they aren't even aware of why we are fighting in Iraq.

Ashley Levario
Period 1A Psych

11:13 PM


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