Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Class Five Mutants in Russia


Anonymous Uncle Sam "Freedom" Richmann said...

I checked Wikipedia and it said it was real, so must be real. Always trust the interwebs. It never lies

7:42 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

Is it bad I thought they were speaking english in the beginning?

7:57 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

Yup its legit. I can fly too.

9:07 PM

Blogger Alyssa Chamberlin said...

Hmm, seems pretty legit to me...a bad quality camera plus the possibility of wires to enable the "mutant" to fly makes this video real. Oh news, when will you ever learn..

9:11 PM

Anonymous Sara B said...

i thought they were speaking english too...

9:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how at one moment she's up in the air, and then he moves the camera and then she's on the ground...

10:33 PM

Blogger Tristy R. said...

I know why the little girl is a mutant! She ate "almost pizza" and got possessed like that girl who touched the cursed locket in Harry Potter! Watch what you eat, friends!

6:28 PM

Anonymous Cathy L. said...

Um I think thats a little scary, what if they are aliens that are trying to find ways to overpower us and only keep the best of us alive as their servants. I dont know about anyone else but although I will survive i dont want to be a servant.

8:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it were going to happen anywhere it would happen in Russia

8:45 PM


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