Food for Thought
As a professor at the University of Delaware, I read a lot of writing by college students, and in it a strong recent trend is reversion to comma-by-sound. I attribute this not so much to students’ love of the Constitution and the classics but to the fact that they don’t read much edited prose (as opposed to Facebook status updates, tweets and the like). Two things that you really need to read a lot to understand are punctuation and spelling. (Not coincidentally, spelling is the other contemporary writing disaster.)
Wanna job?
Well that's good I actually want to be some type of computer engineer so looks like software is the way to go =P thanks Carlisle!
5:24 PM
LOVE the grammar in the Constitution argument MWAHAHAHA and the fact that the school priciple makes over $80,000 and the teacher makes like $50,000 (which is kinda a high estimate) is very sad if you ask me... pricipals don't do squat for majority of students...
5:50 PM
Technology is big. Someday, it'll rule our world, so entering the tech industry is a good idea.
Once, robots take over, they might see techies as useful. Watch out, you non-techies.
6:21 PM
Now that phones can "auto correct", people get lazy when it comes to punctuating and spelling correctly because their phones automatically do it for them. Technology is definitely having an impact.
6:40 PM
Yay! Thanks for the career info!
6:44 PM
Its weird how such a small thing can cause such big controversy. Oh wait, that happens all the time. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
8:40 PM
Technology effects more than spelling it is also integrated into speech effecting the English language. Many people learning English pick up these mannerisms and this increases the use of them.
9:27 PM
Yay for the future of jobs and such, but I loved that punctuation article. Yay for proper grammar and punctuation! And the examples were cool with the constitution and pride and prejudice. Its so cool how things can be interpreted differently depending on the punctuation!
11:04 PM
I dig commentary on modern punctuation. I learned a lot about punctuation from Kurt Vonnegut. He wrote:
“Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
10:41 AM
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