Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Are you popular? Here's some help from 1947.


Anonymous Kelly F. said...

This is a pretty awesome video, now I can be popular! I like how she has a giant picture of a dog in her room, I'll get on that soon.

9:18 PM

Blogger Becky Gauthier said...

Gee wiz, if only I had a home, parents, and a personality! It sure would be swell to be popular. Thanks Mr. Carlisle!

9:43 PM

Blogger Audrey said...

WOW,already taking notes. That is me.looks like I'm on a good track to popularity!

9:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy guacamole!!!!!!! NOW I KNOW HOW TO BE POPULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS MR. CARLIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!

9:59 PM

Anonymous Daisy U said...

Poor Jerry. Anyway, turns out I need a date calendar and a new hairdo.

10:25 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You're welcome, ladies!!

I was hoping someone would notice the painting of the dog!!

10:32 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I like how soft her voice is when she talks to the boys, kind of reminds me of Jacqueline Onassis.

11:44 PM

Anonymous justin A said...

I am easy to talk to, and I have good style. I just need some ear muffs and ill be swell

9:30 PM

Anonymous Niko said...

I wonder how many people who saw this knew what parking was? You should be ashamed to show this to your students Carlisle!

6:44 PM


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