Friday, February 14, 2014

IB Students

Here's another classic Charlie Le Duff story from Detroit. 


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, just wow. I didn't know you worked for local Fox news in Detroit, Murray!!

12:15 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Hah! Byron, I wish I were as cool as Mr. Le Duff.

1:43 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I hate the police!

9:08 AM

Anonymous Moose said...

Thats not even the cops fault. Thats the city's fault. That city needs vigilantly justice. Where is Batman when you need him?

8:17 PM

Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 1AB said...

This just seems crazy to me! It took them 4 hours to get to her house, and then nothing even really got resolved! If the burglars were still in there, she could have been in danger too.

2:55 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 1AB said...

Sounds like Detroit needs some serious help in advancing their police systems. That's horrible!

3:01 PM

Anonymous Jessie L 1AB said...

That's so dangerous.. I couldn't imagine living in a city like that..

9:48 PM


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