Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18

Adv. US History

notes: Election of 1856 and the Dred Scott decision
pol. cartoon
group activity: Southern Defense of Slavery
IA questions (if time)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Carlisle
I am really sick so I didn't go to school today...what did I miss?

Also, I had no idea that months now had 100+ days in them. December 118? That's awesome.

1:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle,
for the test should I look over all my notes, but mainly focus on the compromise of 1850?

Is it important that we bring in dates from our outside sources?

And we will cite the information we are getting from the documents just like the practice one we did right?

1:48 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You missed a GREAT class today. Best class of the semester. Oh, you also missed a reading quiz.

2:27 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Dates aren't super-critical with the DBQ. No need to cite info.

2:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole, be glad that you were not in class today. We upset Carlisle very much, so now 3rd period is pwning us...

3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah thats right and its going to stay that way!

4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea Max, but in order for you guys to be beating us, we had to mess up pretty badly. You guys didn't get better necessarily.

4:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude what happened today. I left for 20 minutes and everything changed!

4:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we were doing our group work, but everyone kept talking about stuff that wasn't history related. So Carlisle told everyone that we weren't going to learn anything else for the rest of the day and told us to just keep talking. So the last 15 minutes of class wasn't very fun.

5:02 PM

Blogger Matthew Ryan Humphrey said...

Hey everyone! Here is a cool game that has to do, in some strange way, with the presidential elections. It plays a little bit like Risk...


I have to say that his game does contain some violence, so if you would be offended if you saw Hilary of Fred Thompson getting wounded in their plan to take over all of the U.S., do not play this.

Good luck all!


5:17 PM

Blogger Matthew Ryan Humphrey said...

Kongregate: Play Campaign Game

5:38 PM

Blogger Matthew Ryan Humphrey said...

Wow. I really suck at posting links... Anyway double click on either on of those so that you highlight all of it, and yeah....
Tell me what you think.

6:15 PM


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