Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow School Update

Looks like the school week is shot. Enjoy your extra week because it's not going to be pleasant when the powers that be decide how we "make them up". Ugh. Anyhoo, here's the skinny on what's happening. I've been awash in IA rough drafts as of late. I will accept rough drafts until 5 PM tomorrow evening. After that, no mas!

If we don't have school the rest of the week your IA is due in my inbox by 3:00 PM. No exceptions will be made. Please pass the word to everyone you know. I won't print your IA from my home computer. Unis and I will most likely come to school over break and print them there. Fun times!

Don't expect them to be graded when you return from break. Your DBQ will probably be postponed until after the break. YOUR DBQ WILL NOT HAPPEN THE DAY YOU RETURN FROM WINTER BREAK.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun at Chipotle!

BTW- Where'd you get that picture?

6:08 PM

Blogger Allie said...

Wow. This is so bittersweet.
We are going to be intensely stressed when we get back.

6:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I made it myself.


My class shouldn't cause you much stress at all when we return. Your IA is due Friday and the DBQ is no problem at all.

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, so I'm good for already turning in the IA, right...? Or do I have to email it again?

6:19 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this but I think I left my History notes in my locker.
Also, political cartoon- how would I prepare for that?

I like how Twilight is on your On Notice board. I cannot agree with you more.

Qdoba > Chipotle
Chicken Queso Burrito = muy bueno

6:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HELLA! For chipotle! What are you getting?

6:48 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You don't have to re-send it. I will just pick it up from school whenever I can get there. I'm starting to hate winter.


Salad. Time to eat.

7:13 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:28 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

Im glad I turned my IA last week.

HAHAHA, i was right about missing the whole week Carlisle and you didnt believe me!

7:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the little IB students worried about the snow and their report.

remember, as Carlisle earlier stated to IB students testing, GRADES DON'T MATTER.

8:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

shouldn't grizzly bears be on the list?

8:42 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Ease up on my IB students! Their grade kind of does matter. If they earn less than a B for the semester they don't get six college credits.

8:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty indifferent about them extending school, normally we get out june 16th, but this year its set for the 12th, so im fine with them extending it, if it goes past the 16th THEN ill start whining

10:40 PM

Blogger Casey said...

To people worried about the DBQ:

Don't worry, compared to Modern IB World, IB US' DBQ's are pretty easy.

For starters you guys get 3 hours to do it. We only get 40 minutes :/

Though in all fairness we do have a few less questions.

But still... 40 minutes...

12:22 AM

Blogger Dan Millar said...

Hello Americans I am reporting from Vancover Canada. Tomorrow me and my parentals will be heading in to the death trap that is Whistler/Blackcomb. (for those that don't know today a gondola tower collapsed and it is the only thing that the nes stations are talking about) Also n-ton Steak Queso Burrito is far superior.

until next time
I'm Dan Millar

12:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun in Canada Dan. I go every once and a while to see my relatives.

7:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, these snow days are actually pretty rough. Not necessarily in this class, but especially English. I have an IOP that is supposed to be due the week after break, and we dont even have our proposals back yet. That will add extra tension to these last 3 weeks of the semester, as we will be packing that into the already crazy schedule. Oooh well, what can you do. I hope everyone's enjoying all the time off atleast!

9:28 AM

Blogger luangrath said...

dan millar:

1) nobody calls me "n-ton" plus I have an "h" in my name so technically it would be "n-tohn"
2) steak meat at qdoba, chipotle, etc is not tasty. chicken queso (should probably be pollo queso) is wayyy better.
3) have fun in Canada!!!!!

10:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go build a snowman with Caro, it will make the two of you feel better. =)

And, Twilight is one of my favorite brainless summer reads. I doubt you have even read them mister! After the snowman adventure go to the library with your wife and check out the apple book you think you hate, and by after winter break you will have seen the movie three times =D

12:06 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


There's not enough snow to build a snow man. Snow days are WEAK!!

Can't read Twilight, I'm reading a book on Andrew Jackson, the baddest prez eva!

12:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just posted my first comment on Caro's blog! =] it felt nice haha... wow dork status!

HAHAH I love the notice board hahaha remember when Nizar woul always be on notice....oh man!

Aaaa the history IA... those days were excellent.

I agree with Katie, you should definitely go build a snowman with Caro.

12:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh common Carlisle!

I've got an extended essay to write over the next two weeks, you've got an 8th grade level book to read. Let's see who's up to to the challege =)

12:50 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

just an update @ tigard high...
Its raining, so most likely there will be freezing rain. joys.

1:26 PM

Blogger Alex Davis said...


if by "baddest prez eva" you mean plain BA, mmmm... maybe. I'd go for Arthur. First, Chester? You can't get a better name then that. Second, you can't even be considered as a most BA president nominee unless you've got some wicked facial hair.

if, however, by "baddest prez eva" you mean just plain horrible at his job, I'd go for Warring G. Harding.

2:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol Alex, by worst performance it has to be Reagan, Nixon, or either Bush's. But A. Jack was pretty BA. I'd have to agree with Carlizzle.

And what are you talking about Lauren? It's still snowing... but I am on Bull Mountain... maybe it is raining down the hill...

2:23 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Well the weather is being kind of... freakish(?)... but Im right next to the school/cook park and it is switching between snow and then rain, then back to snow.
And more snow.

2:50 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I've said this and I'll say it again. Teddy Roosevelt was one bamf.


"Teddy Roosevelt was so bada**, Death took him in his sleep, 'cause it was too scared to face him when he was awake"

2:51 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I'm calling it, two-hour delay tomorrow.


Isn't Twilight for middle schoolers?

2:57 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I think it should be a two hour delay tommorow. But seeing as they cancelled school tuesday and wednesday for "ice", I dont know. I thought we were going to have school tuesday and wednesday, but nope. It depends on if the rain out here turns into freezing rain.

I know its nerdy but I really dont want to miss anymore school.

3:08 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Your sentiment is not nerdy at all. I haven't really enjoyed myself during these snow days. I've been chained to my computer helping students with their IAs. Perhaps that was a mistake on my part for being too generous. I hope we can have school tomorrow so people can bring me their finished IAs.

3:20 PM

Blogger Rebekah said...

Sorry about the rough drafts Carlisle but we all really appreciate your help!

3:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am calling it for cancellation of school tomorrow. I think we are going to have school only on Friday... that would suck.

We got a load of snow on Bull Mountain. It hasn't rained here, only snowed. It's also going to be really bad road conditions with the extreme possibility of ice due to the slight warming caused by the southwesternly winds and then the cooling caused by the easterly winds resulting in refreezing of any melted snow.... it's going to be nasty out there.

I watch the weather a little too much lol

3:25 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

okay, i was fine with no school monday, because, its monday. I i was like, okay tuesday we will have school, that didnt work outm so I said FINE wednesday!! and np school again. I was pretty angry yesterday when school was cancelled, again. Mabey it just that i've never had more snow days than in Oregon...

And thank you Carlisle for revieing these for us! :)

3:32 PM

Blogger Casey said...

If it doesn't snow overnight, it will be a 2-hour delay. If it does, no chance of school.

4:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle, I just wanted to make sure that you recieved an email from the commonapp to do a recommedation letter online for Pomona and Whitman. The deadline for both schools is Jan. 1.

4:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I got nothing from them.

4:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its mush here. at least by the school, good call lauren. k and they graveled the cook park hill!!!!! cant even sled what is that about.

Carlisle great job on who wants to be a millionaire and good try for recieving $64,000.

definately agree i will never read twilght, gross. our lunch table talked about it for like three wks and i wanted to die.

and thanks for IA help!

4:37 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

they graveled cook park hill?? thats pretty lame... I didnt go today but that is the best sledding hill..
I hope ttsd doesnt wait untill like 6:40 to announce about school..

4:52 PM

Blogger Dan Millar said...

Day 2 up here in Canada. We reached Whistler but a on the way a tractor trailer jack knifed. Any ways on to more important things apperantly the recently established totalitarian government run by Stephen Harper blogging has become a capital offense. i beleive the secert police are coming to get me now. further more N-tohn i call you n-tohn (mostly because i can't spell your name)

good by

5:05 PM

Blogger Casey said...

Considering that I have to leave home at around 5:30 to get to school from where I live (SE Portland), them waiting until the last minute would really suck for me, since then I'm still at school at 7, but now have nothing to do for almost 3 hours.

5:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It hasn't stopped snowing here all day...and under the snow, it's a sheet of ice. I'm utterly screwed if we have school tomorrow- I'll probably die just walking on my driveway.

5:46 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

IF we were to have school tomorrow (which it looks like we probably will-maybe a delayed start or something), what are we doing in class? Lecture, then...?

6:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um Mr. Carlisle just curious if you ever recieved my email, did you get it? Because I sent one about 2 hours ago...Though then again your inbox is probably crazy full of RD IAs.

6:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The slopes were totally awesome today! The road froze over, and the sleds picked up awesome speed over the ice. Steering was an issue, but hey, spinning out and sliding backwards is half the fun!

On a sadder note, I watched "A Christmas Story" today. I did not enjoy it that much. :(

6:37 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I got your rough draft. Just got back from picking up my wife from Tigard. I'm predicting two hour delay tomorrow.


Lecture and hopefully have people turn in their IAs.


6:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, thats odd
did I get your email address right?

I just readded you, so it should have sent another email

6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carsh- A Christmas Story is a classic christmas movie! How could you not like it? It's hilarious!

6:52 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

um... kristin, I hadn't even heard of that movie before today

12:23 PM


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