Thursday, December 18, 2008

If we have school tomorrow...

Students in my class and Mr. Unis' class will complete the first part of the DBQ. Before you freak out, please keep this in mind, YOU CAN'T STUDY FOR THE FIRST PART OF THE DBQ! You will answer questions about primary and secondary source documents. Your notes can't help you. As I told you before the Arctic Blast, the DBQ will address the Fugitive Slave Act.

If we don't have school tomorrow then you will take the first part of the DBQ when we return to school in January.

IAs will be turned in tomorrow if we have school. That is all for now.


Blogger Unknown said...

wait, so if we have school on Friday? thats weird, so one half of our test will be before winter break and one half afterwards, ugh

12:49 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Yes. I think you can handle coming back to school in two weeks to answer ONE ESSAY QUESTION!

12:53 PM

Blogger Allie said...

I hope we have school tomorrow.
I'm pretty sure we will.

It's because I missed you, Carlisle. ;)
I actually had a dream I was in your class.
But it was a different class room
and you refused to talk to any of us...

1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we'll have school tomorrow again. I'm looking at the forecast and its predicting snow tonight with temperatures below freezing. Just to be sure I think you should predict that we're going to have school again just so it won't happen.

1:43 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Yeah Max, the weather forecast has been really "accurate" these past two days. I've out twice today and the roads are totally clear. See you at 7:50 tomorrow!


That dream could become a reality if your class doesn't read.

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet again, I agree with Max.


2:15 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


How dare you! Looks like I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning as well. No late start either, just got word from the principal. See you at 7:50 sunshine!

2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...snow up here on the mountain is melting. Thank God, I've been stuck in my house way too long.

And we are only responsible for:
p. 153-169 in reader
p. 390-394 in text

2:19 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

No. We can't have school tomorrow, that will suck.

2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle -
If we have school tomorrow...
I will bring you some cookies that I made.
I think we will have school as well.

2:36 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I would love some! Thanks.


Those readings are correct, however, your priority tomorrow will be completing the first half of the DBQ. There will most likely not be a lecture tomorrow.

Look at this way Erik, tomorrow is one less day you have to go school in late June.

2:42 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I guess. I would prefer spending tomorrow editing my IA until 2:59 pm though.

Ooh ya. If we have school tomorrow I'll bring some cookies too in order to show gratitude for all the IA help... If we don't have school... well then you are missing out on some great cookies.

3:17 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I mean, I can't email cookies to you.

3:17 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Cookies are good.

3:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't hope we have school tomorrow because it's pointless for every class except history. we aren't going to learn anything new in any other class because it'll be forgotten over the break and we cant have a test because we haven't learned the new stuff from this week required to take the test.

3:33 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


DBQ begins tomorrow. There is no "new" stuff to learn for this test. All it requires is you examine documents and answer questions about. You can't really study for this test.

3:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, sounds good Carlisle. And good idea with the DBQ--it's better than having to do both of those when we get back!

3:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlizzle,

when it snows a half a foot tonight, is it illegal at all, to ski down bull mountain on the streets? i figured it would count like a skateboard or anything, but somehow i thought you needed a licence for anything over 30 mph.

4:06 PM

Blogger Casey said...

On oen hand, I think there should be school.

On the other, I think of how completely useless it is to have a 1 day school week, followed by 2 weeks off.

4:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm only coming to your class and then leaving.

BUT DON'T RAIN ON MY PARADE YET, CARLISLE, we just got snow. and its supposed to freeze. And if not, I'll make it freeze!

4:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, Jonathan, I almost got my skis out yesterday, then I wondered the same thing. That would be so much fun to go down Bull Mountain Rd! :D

5:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the library and turned in my IA books, so I just turned in my IA to your wife. Talk to you soon.

5:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just turned in my ia as well

5:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok wait Carlisle,

were you serious about getting word from the principal? your cynical sarcasm is hard to detect when it's blogged.

;) (but seriously.)

5:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We never got a DBQ when I was in his class... Either class.

9:01 PM


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