What were the major social, political, and economic changes of the 1920s?
Marcus Garvey--UNIA-video clip from Many Rivers...
conservative backlash to societal change of the 1920s:
nativism-Red Scare-Klan documents
rise of the new KKK; Klan symbols
Sacco and Vanzetti arrest and trial--1920
video clip
Prohibition in the 1920s:
Disc #2
1. Prohibition in reality (08:55---13:13-ish)
2. producing illegal alcohol (1:09:13--1:17:00)
Disc #3--Societal changes
the New Woman of the 1920s: 33:00--39:00
Christian fundamentalism vs. modernism
Scopes Monkey Trial-1925-Butler Act
video clip from Constitution USA on First Amendment issues and public schoolsdiscussion about public schools and religion
review notes for 1920s quiz