Here are some thoughts about the Internal Assessment:
1. Did you discuss what you set out to discuss in your Plan of Investigation?
2. Did you put things in your own words without plagiarizing? Did you
3. Don't try to pad your word count by repeating the title of a really long book over and over. It's so obvious when I read your paper. S
peaking of which, I REALLY read your paper. Sometimes multiple times. Not only am I checking it for content, but I'm also checking it for grammar. Remember, conventions are worth 20 points!
4. For Part C, please follow the I.B. format, Origin, Purpose, Value, and Limitation. You can use those words! Ask yourself, what value(s) and limitation(s) does your source have for someone researching your topic?
5. Try not to freak out. I will do my best to help you, however, I still have 4 classes to teach,
READING QUIZZES to grade, and a DBQ to grade next week. The work we do in class still comes first! Don't forget that.